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Recommended ICON Namelist Settings

It is necessary for the user to choose the ICON settings carefully. Part of the values listed in are recommended to obtain a stable ICON-ART simulation with scientifically reasonable results. Another part is necessary to enable ART features like aerosol-cloud-interactions.

Recommended ICON namelist settings for ART tracers.
Parameter Value Namelist Description
dtime - run_nml If facing stability problems, it is recommended to use a shorter time step as recommended by operational setups (e.g. 0.5*dtime).
inwp_gscp 4 nwp_phy_nml Standard value is 1. Set this to 4 for aerosol-cloud-interactions within ICON-ART. Note, that you will still need to set iart_aci_warm and iart_aci_cold < 0 .
irad_aero 6 radiation_nml aerosol optical properties are taken from climatology
9 optical properties depend on aerosol concentrations (set iart_ari = 1 in art_nml )

ART Namelists

ICON-ART has an own namelist to modify the setup of ART simulations at runtime. The main switch for ART, lart, is located inside run_nml. The namelist for the other ART switches is called art_nml.

A naming convention is used in order to show the type of data. An INTEGER namelist parameter starts with iart_, a REAL namelist parameter starts with rart_, a LOGICAL namelist parameter starts with lart_, and a CHARACTER namelist parameter starts with cart_.

The ICON-ART namelist is located in the module src/namelists/mo_art_nml.f90. General namelist parameters are listed and explained within . Namelist parameters for ART input are listed within . Namelist parameters related to atmospheric chemistry are listed within . Namelist parameters related to aerosol physics are listed within . Namelist parameters related to feedback processes between aerosols and meteorological variables are listed in . Finally, namelist parameters related to physics parameterizations in ICON are listed in.

Art namelist parameters
Name function
General Variables
iart_init_aero Initialization of aerosol species
iart_init_gas Initialization of gaseous species
lart_diag_out Enable output of diagnostic fields
lart_pntSrc Enables point sources
lart_emiss_turbdiff Switch if emissions should be included as surface flux condition
cart_input_folder Absolute Path to ART Input Files
cart_io_suffix user given suffix instead of automatically generated grid number
Atmospheric Chemistry
lart_chem Main switch to enable chemistry
lart_chemtracer Switch for parametrised chemtracers
lart_mecca Switch for MECCA chemistry
lart_psc Switch for computation of PSCs
cart_vortex_init_date Date of vortex initialization
cheminit_file(max_dom) Path to chemical initialization file
cart_cheminit_coord Path to chemical initialization coordinate file
cart_cheminit_type Type of chemical initialization coordinate file
XML configuration
cart_chemtracer_xml Path to XML file for parametrised chemtracers
cart_mecca_xml Path to XML file for MECCA tracers
cart_aerosol_xml Path to XML file for aerosol tracers
cart_modes_xml Path to XML file for modes
cart_pntSrc_xml Path to XML file for point sources
cart_diagnostics_xml Path to XML file for aerosol diagnostics
cart_emiss_xml_file Path to XML file for emission metadata
cart_ext_data_xml Path to XML file for metadata of datasets prescribing tracers
cart_coag_xml Path to XML file for coagulation processes
Atmospheric Aerosol
lart_aerosol Main switch for the treatment of atmospheric aerosol
iart_seasalt Treatment of sea salt aerosol interaction with radiation
iart_dust Treatment of mineral dust aerosol interaction with radiation
iart_anthro Treatment of anthropogenic aerosol
iart_fire Enables treatment of wildfire aerosol
iart_volcano Enables treatment of volcanic ash aerosol
iart_isorropia Treatment of aerosol gas partitioning
iart_nonsph Treatment of nonspherical particles
iart_pollen Treatment of pollen
iart_radioact Treatment of radioactive particles
cart_volcano_file Absolute path + filename of input file for volcanoes
cart_radioact_file Absolute path + filename of input for radioactive emissions
Feedback Processes
iart_aci_warm Nucleation of aerosol to cloud droplets
iart_aci_cold Nucleation of aerosol to cloud ice
iart_ari Direct interaction of aerosol with radiation

Name Default Value Description Details Dependencies
General Variables iart_init_aero 0 Initialization of aerosol species.
0: Initialization with 0 
1: At this point climatological aerosol profiles may be included as standard initialization 
2: Initialization with fixed value different from 0.0_wp (e.g. using 10.0_wp) 
5: Set aerosol tracer initial values from file 
6: Read background climatology from aes-ham
iart_init_gas 0 Initialization of gaseous species.
0: Nothing to do here, tracers are initialized with 0.0_wp automatically 
1: At this point climatological gas profiles may be included as a standard initialization
4: Initializing chemical tracers using method given by .xml
5: Initializing from file
lart_diag_out .FALSE. Enable output of diagnostic fields. If this switch is set to .TRUE., diagnostic output fields are available. Set it to .FALSE. when facing memory problems. cart_diagnostics_xml
lart_pntSrc .FALSE. Enables addition of point sources for passive tracer. The sources are controled via cart_pntSrc_xml. cart_pntSrc_xml
lart_emiss_turbdiff .FALSE. Switch if emissions should be included to the turbulence scheme as surface flux condition
cart_input_folder - Absolute path where input folder of ART initialization and external files are located.
cart_io_suffix 'grid-nr' Specifies the grid specification in ART input file name convention. With default grid-number it is replaced by the four character string due to ICON parameter number_of_grid_used . Any other string can be included for each domain.
iart_modeshift 1 Doing mode shift (only temporary switch for debug)
0 = off 
1 = on
Atmospheric Chemistry lart_chem .FALSE. Main switch to enable chemistry lart_chemtracer = .TRUE. OR lart_mecca = .TRUE.
lart_chemtracer .FALSE. Switch for chemical tracer processes cart_chemtracer_xml
lart_mecca .FALSE. Enables the computation of full chemistry via the MECCA package. cart_mecca_xml
lart_psc .FALSE. Switch if polar stratospheric clouds should be calculated
cart_vortex_init_date - Date of vortex initialization
cart_cheminit_file(max_dom) - Path to chemical initialization file
cart_cheminit_coord - Path to chemical initialization coordinate file
cart_cheminit_type - Type of chemical initialization coordinate file
XML configuration cart_chemtracer_xml - Path to XML file for parametrised chemtracers
cart_mecca_xml - Path to XML file for MECCA chemistry tracers
cart_aerosol_xml - Path to XML file for aerosol tracers
cart_modes_xml - Path to XML file for modes
cart_pntSrc_xml - Path to XML file for point sources
cart_diagnostics_xml - Path to XML file for aerosol diagnostics (GRIB2 meta data)
cart_emiss_xml_file - Path and file name of the xml files for emission metadata
cart_ext_data_xml - Path to XML file for metadata of datasets prescribing tracers
cart_coag_xml - Path to XML file for coagulation processes
Atmospheric Aerosol lart_aerosol .FALSE. Main switch for the treatment of atmospheric aerosol cart_aerosol_xml
iart_seasalt 0 Treatment of sea salt aerosol
0: No treatment.
1: Initialization of seasalt emission. Add 6 to iart_ntracer.
2: A second parameterization is used for the seasalt emission. Add 6 to iart_ntracer.
iart_dust 0 Treatment of mineral dust aerosol
0: No treatment.
1: Initialization of mineral dust aerosol (Vogel et al. 2006).
2: Simplified version of emission fluxes of mineral dust aerosol (Vogel et al. 2006).
iart_anthro 0 Treatment of anthropogenic aerosol
0: No treatment.
1: With the anthropogenic aerosol.
iart_fire 0 Treatment of wildfire aerosol
0: Nothing to do, no biomass burning emissions
1: Initialization of biomass burning tracer data
iart_volcano 0 Treatment of volcanic ash aerosol
0: No treatment.
1: 1-moment treatment. Add 6 to iart ntracer.
2: 2-moment treatment. Add 6 to iart_ntracer.
iart_nonsph 0 Treatment of nonspherical particles
0: USE Mie values
1: Ellipsoid mixture
iart_pollen 0 Treatment of pollen
0: No treatment
1: Initialization of pollen tracer data
iart_radioact 0 Treatment of radioactive particles
0: No treatment.
1: As described in the ICON-ART technical documentation. An input file has to be specified via cart_radioact_file. Add 9 to iart_ntracer.
Feedback Processes iart_aci_warm 0 Nucleation of aerosol to cloud droplets
0: Constant cloud droplet number inwp_gscp=4
1: Nucleation Warm ART
iart_aci_cold 0 Nucleation of aerosol to cloud ice
0: Nucleation originial 2-moment scheme (1,2,3,4,5): Nucleation Cold ART
6: With tracking of activated dust
7: With prognostic dust as input and relaxation of activated dust
iart_ari 0 Direct interaction of aerosol with radiation
0: No radiation feedback with ART aerosols
1: Turn on radiation feedback with ART aerosols (ASH or DUST). Set irad_aero = 9 in radiation_nml
Emissions cart_volcano_file - Absolute path + filename of input file for volcanoes
cart_radioact_file - Absolute path + filename of input for radioactive emissions
Online emission module See oem namelist